Your Assessment Results
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Where are you in your retirement Transition?
As you have not yet retired, think of this assessment as a tool to help you identify potential areas for exploration, rather than an evaluation of how you are currently managing the transition.
Where are you in your retirement Transition?
As you are recently retired, this assessment may be an ideal review of where you are in the transition process, and help you identify areas for further development.
Where are you in your retirement Transition?
As you have been retired for over six-months, this assessment may be a guide to changes that you want to make to have your retirement be more fulfilling. The evaluation is likely to be accurate to where you are now, and not a product of the "retirement shock" that often happens early in retirement.
Overall, my health (including energy level and mood) is:
Because you rate your health as excellent, the responses should be accurate and not a byproduct of ill health. Good health is often a prerequisite to managing the retirement transition successfully and making significant changes to improve the quality of your retirement.
Overall, my health (including energy level and mood) is:
Because you rate your health as good, the RAMP should be accurate and not a byproduct of ill health. Good health is often a prerequisite to managing the retirement transition successfully and making significant changes to improve the quality of your retirement. Though you rated your health as good and not excellent – you may want to invest time, energy, and money into improving your health as it is a foundation for fulfilling retirement.
Overall, my health (including energy level and mood) is:
Because you rate your health as poor, there may be limits to what you can change in some of the RAMP arenas. If your health concerns are primarily physical – you may need to invest substantial time and energy into caring for your health and less on the other areas at this time. Though, one can always develop the perspective and attitudes that will be more fulfilling, even if one cannot physically do more.
Relationship Satisfaction
Close Relationships
You reported unsatisfactory close relationships. Most people who are highly satisfied with retirement report one or several intimate relationships. Are there people with whom you could develop a better relationship? Are their people with whom you once had a close relationship that you could invite into a more intimate relationship?
Close Relationships
While you have some close relationships, you do not get frequent interaction with those who are important to you. The lack of closeness may be a significant source of distress in retirement. You may want to investigate ways to increase the contact you have with those who you would like more connection.
Close Relationships
You have close relationships and have regular interactions with those close to you more than weekly. Though this will probably be sufficient for fulfillment in retirement, you may want to invest even more in your relationships. Could you have a significant interaction daily? Who could you invite into more frequent contact?
Close Relationships
Congratulations! You reported daily contact and high enjoyment with your close relationships. Close relationships are one of the essential components of fulfilling retirement for most people. Continue to look for ways to maintain a connection or develop new connections as time goes by.
Peer Relationships
You reported unsatisfactory or stressful relationships with friends or colleagues. You may want to invest time and energy into enhancing your peer relationships. Consider multiple strategies to increase the number, frequency, and depth of these relationships. Who do you already know with whom could develop a deeper connection? Retirement may be an ideal time to establish new networks of friends - what options do you have?
Peer Relationships
You reported only mildly satisfying relationships with friends or colleagues. You may want to invest time and energy into enhancing your peer relationships and consider strategies to increase the number, frequency, and depth of these relationships. Who do you already know with whom could develop a deeper connection? Retirement may be an ideal time to establish new networks of friends - what options do you have?
Peer Relationships
You reported satisfactory relationships with friends or colleagues. You may or may not want to invest time and energy into enhancing your peer relationships. However, you should spend time and energy maintaining these relationships. What can you do to keep, and possibly strengthen your peer relationships?
Peer Relationships
You reported highly satisfying relationships with friends or colleagues. Great! Though you are doing well in this arena, do not take these relationships for granted. What can you do to maintain and possibly enhance your peer relationships?
Community Belonging
You reported no groups or organizations (religious community, civic organization, professional organizations, clubs, etc.) to which you belong. Group belonging is vital as a broad network of support, and connection can supplement or serve as a pool of candidates to replenish closer relationships if a vacancy arises. Are there one or two organizations or communities you would consider exploring? What would be a step you could take to join a new group?
Community Belonging
You reported minimal contact with groups or organizations (religious community, civic organizations, professional organizations, clubs, etc.)to which you belong. Group belonging is vital as a broad network of support, and connection can supplement or serve as a pool of candidates to replenish closer relationships if a vacancy arises. Are there one or two organizations or communities you would consider exploring? What would be a step you could take to join a new group?
Community Belonging
You reported moderate activity in groups or organizations (religious community, civic organizations, professional organizations, clubs, etc.) to which you belong. Group membership is essential as a broad network of support, and connection can supplement or serve as a pool of candidates to replenish closer relationships if a vacancy arises. Would you consider a more profound commitment to one or two groups? What would be a step you could take?
Community Belonging
You reported high activity in groups or organizations (religious community, civic organizations, professional organizations, clubs, etc.) to which you belong. Group membership is essential as a broad network of support, and connection can supplement or serve as a pool of candidates to replenish closer relationships if a vacancy arises. How can you maintain a high level of involvement? Are there still new opportunities to invest in your current groups, or are there other organizations you would like to explore?
Adequate Time Management
Daily Planning and Productivity
Employment or other work structures our daily time. We have to be up and out the door to be at work on time. Often in retirement, this regular structure fades and must be replaced by other time structuring elements. You reported little to no daily plan. Developing strategies for planning and being more productive may be an essential area for you to investigate. What could you do to implement more of a program - e.g., a daily ritual to be out of bed and engaged in activity by a specific time?
Daily Planning and Productivity
Employment or other work structures our daily time. We have to be up and out the door to be at work on time. Often in retirement, this regular structure fades and must be replaced by other time structuring elements. You reported some daily plan, but frequently wish you had gotten more done. Developing strategies for planning and being more productive may be an essential area for you to investigate. What could you do to implement more of a plan - e.g., a daily ritual to be out of bed and engaged in activity by a specific time?
Daily Planning and Productivity
Employment or other work structures our daily time. We have to be up and out the door to be at work on time. Often in retirement, this regular structure fades and must be replaced by other time structuring elements. You reported having a clear daily plan, with occasional distractions. Day-to-day planning and productivity appear to be adequate for you, currently. However, you may want to tweak your daily plan and continue to look for ways to be more productive.
Daily Planning and Productivity
Employment or other work structures our daily time. We have to be up and out the door to be at work on time. Often in retirement, this regular structure fades and must be replaced by other time structuring elements. You reported having a clear plan daily and going through your day focused and energized. Great work! Even though you are planning well and being productive, you may want to continue to be aware of your daily plan and productivity.
Achieving a satisfactory balance of leisure and task-focused activities is often a challenge. You reported a complete lack of balance in relaxation vs. chore activities. Either too much entertainment or too much work can create difficulties in retirement satisfaction. How might you balance your activities? What is one step you could take this week to move toward balance?
Achieving a satisfactory balance of leisure and task-focused activities is often a challenge. You reported a lack of balance. Either too much entertainment or too much work can create difficulties in retirement satisfaction. How might you balance your activities? What is one step you could take this week to move toward balance?
Achieving a satisfactory balance of leisure and task-focused activities is often a challenge. You reported usually having the right balance between relaxation and chores. So, you are doing well in this category. You might want to continue focusing on being intentional in balancing leisure with tasks and check on the balance occasionally.
Achieving a satisfactory balance of leisure and task-focused activities is often a challenge. You reported the right balance between relaxation and chores. You reported developing a regular schedule for recreation and other tasks and making periodic adjustments to your plan. Balance in your time management is strength - keep it up!
Longer Scale Planning
In addition to daily planning, work also helps structure longer-range planning. For example, at work, we must coordinate our vacation plans with others. In retirement, new structures for long-range planning also need to be developed. You reported having no long term plans. Producing at least some long term plans may be essential for you. What plans for vacation, a new home, time with family, etc. would you like to develop? With whom could you discuss the beginning of the plan?
Longer Scale Planning
In addition to daily planning, work also helps structure longer-range planning. For example, in work we must coordinate our vacation plans with others. In retirement, new structures for long-range planning also need to be developed. You reported thinking about long term plans, but not having discussed the plans with others. What plans for vacation, a new home, time with family, etc. would you like to develop? With whom could you discuss the beginning of the plan?
Longer Scale Planning
In addition to daily planning, work also helps structure longer-range planning. For example, at work we must coordinate our vacation plans with others. In retirement, new structures for long-range planning also need to be developed. You have started planning and discussing your projects with others but have yet to enact your plans. What could you do in the next week to explore financial or other considerations - to start your plan moving forward?
Longer Scale Planning
In addition to daily planning, work also helps structure longer-range planning. For example, at work we must coordinate our vacation plans with others. In retirement, new structures for long-range planning also need to be developed. You reported having clear long term plans, and are both confident in the plan, and ready to be flexible if required. Great work! Keep developing new long term plans while being mindful of health and other conditions which may change over time.
You reported feeling entirely unimportant to others. Likely, you will not find fulfillment in retirement while feeling entirely insignificant to anyone. Look for opportunities to increase your value to others and look to develop new relationships with people to whom you may be important.
You reported feeling somewhat unimportant to others. It may be difficult to find fulfillment in retirement without feeling more significant to others. Look for opportunities to increase your value to others and look to develop new relationships with people to whom you may be important.
You reported feeling somewhat important to others. You will likely find fulfillment in retirement with this level of feeling significant to others. However, you may want to look for opportunities to increase your value to others and seek to develop new relationships with people to whom you may be important.
You reported feeling Important to others. Great! Even though you feel significant to others, you can still be aware of opportunities to maintain your value to others.
Listened To and Depended On
You reported not being listened to or depended on at all. Finding ways to be more deeply connected with others may be critical for a meaningful retirement. Often becoming someone others depend on proceeds being listened to. Are there opportunities to volunteer or serve others as a way for you to be depended on by others?
Listened To and Depended On
You reported being listened to or depended on to a small degree. Finding ways to be more deeply connected with others may be critical for a meaningful retirement. Are there opportunities to volunteer or serve others as a way for you to be depended on by others?
Listened To and Depended On
You reported often feeling listened to and depended on. Deep connections with others are often critical for meaningful retirement, and you are well on your way to developing these connections. Continue to look for opportunities to serve others (thus being depended on) and opportunities to appropriately influence others (so you will be listened to).
Listened To and Depended On
You reported feeling entirely listened to and depended on. Great! Even though you feel listened to and depended on by others, you can grow your awareness of connecting with others in meaningful ways.
You reported feeling entirely unvalued. Feeling valued, as you might expect, is quite essential to a retirement of vitality. There may be several causes for the experience of being unvalued. Are you depressed? Are you grieving the loss of someone dear to you? Perhaps you are grieving the loss of your job - any of these may impact the value you feel. If there is an underlying cause - seek to address it. Alternatively, not feeling valued can be countered by valuing others more - what can you do to value others more? Who do you want to appreciate more?
You reported feeling somewhat unvalued. Feeling valued, as you might expect, is quite essential to a retirement of vitality. There may be several causes for the experience of being unvalued. Are you depressed? Are you grieving the loss of someone dear to you? Perhaps you are grieving the loss of your job - any of these may impact the value you feel. If there is an underlying cause - seek to address it. Alternatively, not feeling valued can be countered by valuing others more - what can you do to value others more? Who do you want to appreciate more?
You reported often feeling valued. Feeling valued, as you might expect, is quite essential to a retirement of vitality. When do you feel valued? When do you not feel valued? By examining the differences, you may be able to feel valued more consistently.
You reported feeling entirely valued. Feeling valued, as you might expect, is quite essential to a retirement of vitality. As you feel valued consistently - you may want to reflect on how you came to valued by others. Can you help others to be esteemed, as well?
You reported never feeling part of something “bigger or beyond yourself." For many people, transcendent experiences add much value to their lives, but not everyone feels this need. Finding a spiritual or transcendent experience is not something you can "program." However, you may look for opportunities to foster transcendent occurrences- such as being in nature, looking for art experiences that you value (do you love opera or the symphony, if so attend more often). For some, organized religion offers a connection beyond self.
You reported rarely feeling part of something “bigger or beyond yourself.” For many people, transcendent experiences add much value to their lives, but not everyone feels this need. Finding a spiritual or transcendent experience is not something you can "program." However, you may look for opportunities to foster transcendent occurrences - such as being in nature, looking for art experiences that you value (do you love opera or the symphony, if so attend more often). For some, organized religion offers a connection beyond self.
You reported occasionally feeling part of something “bigger or beyond yourself.” For many people, transcendent experiences add much value to their lives. As you have already experienced some transcendent occurrences, how can you be aware of and invite this kind of awareness more often? Being in nature, engaging with the arts, delving deeply into a hobby or interest.
You reported significant experiences where you felt part of something “bigger or beyond yourself.” For many people, transcendent experiences add much value to their lives.As you have already experienced valuable transcendent experiences, how can you be aware of and invite this kind of awareness more often? Can you share your knowledge by talking with others or writing about your experiences? To fully embrace these encounters, it may be essential to share them with others.
You reported no goals or no confidence in your ability to meet your goals. Developing goals is entirely within your power to control! Having the confidence to achieve the goals depends on the objectives you set and your self-image. Brainstorm - what do you want to accomplish - as small as cleaning a room in your house - to as large as starting a new international foundation.
You reported few goals or little confidence that you will achieve your goals. Developing goals is entirely within your power to control! Having the confidence to meet the goals depends on the objectives you set and your self-image. Brainstorm - what do you want to accomplish - as small as cleaning a room in your house - to as large as starting a new international foundation.
You reported often being aware of and putting energy toward accomplishing your goals. Great! What can you do to become even more precise about your goals and work more consistently toward them?
You reported having clear goals toward which you are earnestly working. Keep up the great work! You may also want to build in regular time to review your goals, as life circumstances or your values change.
Clarity of Values
You reported not being sure what is important to you. Values are like a psychological compass - they point you in the direction you want to go. Without an awareness of your values, it may be difficult to move toward anything of significance. Reflect on your life - what has been important to you in the past? Are there people, ideas, or hobbies that you would miss if you were not able to engage in them? Perhaps discussing values with others or writing in a journal about what you cherish would help your values would help them become more apparent.
Clarity of Values
You reported sometimes being aware of what is important to you. Values are like a psychological compass - they point you in the direction you want to go. Without an awareness of your values, it may be difficult to move toward anything of significance. Reflect on your life - what has been important to you in the past? Are there people, ideas, or hobbies that you would miss if you were not able to engage in them? Perhaps discussing values with others or writing in a journal about what you cherish would help your values would help them become more apparent.
Clarity of Values
You reported often being aware of your values. Values are like a psychological compass - they point you in the direction you want to go. What would help you gain more clarity about your values? Perhaps discussing values with others or writing in a journal about what you cherish would help your values would help them become more apparent. As you are often aware of your values, you may want to do a values review from time to time - to ensure you are still in line with your highest values.
Clarity of Values
You reported being utterly aware of your values. Values are like a psychological compass - they point you in the direction you want to go. As you are aware of your values, you may want to do a values review from time to time - to ensure you are still in line with your highest values.